Questions for the week of September 5th, 2022


Should NASA be going to the moon or leaving space travel to the private sector?

What can the United States learn from their first drop in life expectancy?

How should the DOJ be managing the Mar-a-Lago documents?


How can Libya come to a compromise through the vast amounts of civil unrest throughout the country?

What steps can be taken to help mitigate the flooding in Pakistan?

Should the world be mourning Gorbachev?

Questions for the week of August 29th, 2022


Was Biden's student loan forgiveness plan a good idea?

What should the United States be doing to deal with the teacher shortage?

Was the CDC reporting that they botched the US COVID response ultimately good for the country?


How will the announcement of relaxed COVID protocols in Japan affect the country?

What steps should Germany be taking to mitigate their energy crisis?

Will China's intention to integrate cloud seeding be enough to solve their drought issues?

Questions for the week of August 22nd, 2022


Should The National Science Foundation be listening to protesters and ban the use of sulfur hexafluoride?

What steps should be taken to deal with invasive species in the United States?

Should the United States be doing more to protect members of congress from protesters?


What can be done to mitigate the economic issues resulting from the low water levels of the Rhine River?

With Scotland announcing the free dispersal of feminine products, should other countries be paying attention?

Will new President William Ruto be able to maintain power in Kenya?

Is Russia doing enough to address its population decline?