
Updating Content

Here at Forensics University we are constantly creating new content and handouts that will help in a variety of ways. You can even Join Us

To see the newest info, here's where to look: 

We’ve just added a 4n6U tournament page! We’re excited to bring bi-yearly asynchronous tournaments to the forensics community.

Looking for some bottle swag or other ways to show your speech pride? Check out our designs on Redbubble.

A brand new set of skills acquisition games have just been posted in the coaches page.

We’ve begun selling some stickers in order to help the cause! If you want some fun swag for your bottles or laptops, visit our redbubble page!

Student Congress Page - There are two new documents up on this page, both are there to help you write your bill. The first is a basic outline, and the second is a template for writing.

Debate Games - Here are some fun games to help with bonding and debate skills in a fun way. 

Debate Terms to Know have been added to both the LD and PF pages. Plus, we've been adding impact and harms charts to all debate pages. 

If you feel like you're gaining useful info from 4n6U, we'd really appreciate support through either donation or even better a subscription starting at as little as $1 a month. These help defray the costs of website and domain hosting so that we can continue giving access to all these various resources. You can also Join Us in other ways, too!