Questions for the Week of April 30th


Was the White House's insistence that America's Ambassador to the UN experienced "momentary confusion" regarding new sanctions against Russia the best approach to calm tensions with the country? 

As Comey does interview after interview promoting his new book, does he represent a real threat to President Trump or just a distraction?

What can President Trump do to win back farmers in the face of retaliatory tariffs placed on America's farm products by China?

Is the resurgence of suburbs at the cost of population decline in cities a good trend? 




Did the international community make the right call when it fired missiles in Syria for the government's use of chemical weapons against its people?

Will crown prince Muhammad bin Salman's efforts to modernize Saudi Arabia pay off for his country?

What effect will pay hikes for German public-sector workers have on their economy?

If Macedonia and Albania join the EU, will there be a tangible effect on the other member countries?

What does Raul Castro stepping down as President of Cuba mean for the country? 


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Questions for the Week of April 23rd


Should Republicans retire or double-down on their promise to repeal the Affordable Care Act?

What should the Supreme Court's decision be in South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.?

With Tammy Duckworth becoming the first Senator to give birth while in office, will this have an effect on women running for public office?



Is China doing enough to calm a possible trade war with America?

Is former South Korean President Park Geun-hye's prison sentence justified? 

Will Russia buckle under the newest sanctions placed on them by America?

What can Canada do to accelerate its oil production?


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Questions for the Week of April 16th


How damaging is James Comey's new book for President Trump? 

Is stationing troops on the Mexican border a good idea?

Should Paul Ryan hand over the Speakership before the end of his term? 

Will taped conversations between Trump and his lawyer be an issue for the President?



What can French President Macron do to resolve the public sector unions' protests?

Is Trump's new strategy regarding Syria the correct approach?

With the swearing in of Ethiopia's new Prime Minister, will the border dispute between the country and Eritrea finally be resolved?