Those of you that attended NCFL nationals last weekend know most of the numbers. Over 5,000 people in Louisville, KY spoke, advocated, and tried their best. I'm sure all teams had at least one moment of frustration, a moment of pride, a moment in which we wished the trip wouldn't end, and one moment in which we couldn't wait to be finished.
For many teams the competition year is now over. We're packing up the interp books, excited to have a short break from filing news, and starting to think of topics for next year.
This is that bitter sweet time of the year in which we aren't sure if we're supposed to be happy or sad. The team is still seeing each other socially in some capacities, but those big group moments aren't going to be scheduled again until the fall. Seniors are done, freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are in varying states of excited and apathetic, and the new blood that will reinvigorate the team isn't even considering what forensics is yet (unless they happen to be reading this blog. I which case, good for you. Your future team is lucky to have you).
My team has no more practices scheduled, but we do have one more moment together - we call it our end of the year hootenanny. It's a potluck in which we give away team awards and come together to celebrate all the moments over the past year in which we learned and grew, and came together as a team.
Whether or not you have one last practice or are done, take the summer to recharge and fully embrace the kind of forensics participant you wish to be once the summer months are over. There is a lot to consider, and remembering that it's your choice how the next year goes for you is a powerful position to be in.